Another weekend of some Flea Market finds.

So I had kind of an odd weekend. I found out even flea markets are pricey in CT. The Elephants trunk was a bit of a bust. Prices were way out of norm for me. I did managed to squeak out one Sargent block. Maybe a #306? $5.

I always do well at stormville though.

I picked up a type 17ish #7 in great shape, a type 11 #5c, an earlier #4 that needs some love, a Sargent #415 that needs a lot of love, and a Nice #2 (Orange frog).

The new #2. This is after some quick clean up and sharpen after I got home. It was an odd situation. There were 3 tables together, the first had a bunch of rusty old #5s, #4s and some no names. Broken totes, rusty, nasty, my kind of finds. How much for the #5s I asked. $20 was the reply. I said, “really, they need a lot of work”. $20 came again. “The rest, are they $20 to”. “Pretty close” was the answer. Ok, nothing here for me, move on to the next table, which I think is the same group of guys. Well, apparently they had different selling styles. A #2. A sticker says $125. I look at it a bit and set it down. I hear a voice, $75 for the plane. I pick it up again. Look it over. Do I really want to spend $75? Its a later type, maybe 15 or 16. I set it down again. “Well, make me an offer” the guys says. Well he asked. $50. Oh no I can’t do that. “I understand” I say and set it back down. I turn to walk away. $65 I hear. Ok, he hit my magic number. I’m going home with a nice #2.

Then an antique shop in Milford we usually stop at. It not a plane kind of place, which explained the lower kind of price I guess.

All-in-all a fun weekend and a few decent finds, some I’ll flip and hope to give another woodworker some good deals, some will stay in the shop. The #2 and the #112, stays in the shop, and the Sargent block; well I’ve grown an unhealthy liking for Sargent blocks. The sickness grows.